About Us
We are the Friends of Hartford Manor Primary School and Nursery. A volunteer group of Mums, Dads, Carers and Guardians who arrange all sorts of activities in conjunction with the school to raise funds for school projects. We appreciate any contribution our community are able to make, be it big or small.
From Discos to Film Nights, Non-Uniform Days, Quiz Nights and the Summer Fair, we work throughout the year with the school to help raise funds for projects that otherwise might not be possible. See our Events page for what we’ve done so far this year, and to see what’s coming up.
Contact us
Drop us an email or seek one of us out during school drop off or pick up. We're always looking for ideas and input from the school community!
Email :
Address :
FOHM, C/O Hartford Manor Primary School & Nursery
Stones Manor Lane,